The Arizona Onsite Water Reclamation Association’s (AzOWRA) mission is to “Provide value to our membership and property owners through communication, education, training, quality services and advocacy regarding onsite and decentralized wastewater treatment, reuse and management”.
Join Today. There are various ways that AzOWRA can benefit you.
Represents the diverse interests of professionals who work in the onsite industry;
Provides networking opportunities with professionals involved in the onsite industry throughout Arizona and nationwide;
Creates a forum for workshops and educational programs at a discounted fee;
Provides training for professionals and develop your business;
Has financial assistance program for Homeowner’s septic repair/system;
Provides opportunities to shape and develop state policy affecting the onsite community; Helps you keep current with local and national trends in the onsite industry;
Has valuable information available on the AzOWRA website –;
Is a State Affiliate of NOWRA (
Check out member benefits on NOWRA’s website.
Join Today and Get Involved!! There are various ways that you can help the organization. Share your talents. Tell us how you would like to be involved:
Educating the public about onsite treatment systems
Writing an article for distribution to our network
Teaching a training program
Help with keeping our website and social media sites up to date
Working to find advertisers for the website and our social media sites
Planning the Biennial Educational Conference Scheduling an informational meeting for potential new members in your area Serving as a Board Member
Serving as an Officer Coordinating with regulatory agencies for rule revisions.
All Membership Fees are for the current calendar year. To complete your 2024 membership application fill in the form, sign the Code of Conduct, and send the application, Code of Conduct and fees to: email to or mail to 5525 N Concho Dr., Prescott Valley, AZ 86314